Friday, December 19, 2008

Radio Silence

I came to the realization today that I need to abandon my cell phone for a short period of time. I've become attached and dependant on it for social interaction and in doing so I feel, for lack of a better term, used. I truly don't know how else the phrase that. The feeling isn't translating into words.
Funny thing is, this realization came on a day when there was minimal contact. My usual routine is to wake, shower, Wii and turn on the phone. From that point on, it's with me till I crawl back into bed at night. I'm always available, always willing to chat. Oh woe is me, I was not needed today.
I once suggested that I might try going without for a period of time only to be met with doubt. I can do this and I will. It's not that I want to avoid everyone, it's not a slight against them; it's more like a reconnect for me. There's at least 6 inches of snow outside and it's steadily building. In the morning I'm going to wake, shower, Wii and take my kid outside. I'm going to play in the snow and be available to my family.
The time officially starts now. I'm removing myself for the next 48 hours.

"Signal fading, listen to what I'm saying
Testing, testing
This better be worth all the breath I'm wasting
Maintaining radio silence from now on."
Elvis Costello

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